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Dear Visitor!

I am sorry to say that the provider had been modified the quality of upcoming pictures. Some of them are so degraded even I canot recall the original picture. Please consider this before you criticize the quality of my work.

About Cosplay

Cosplay is a portmanteau word from the two English words costume and play. It is a kind of masquerade where poeple play a special characters role. They represent a specific character by their own costumes and accessories, where the characters are mainly from an 'anime' or 'manga'. The 'anime' is the word for animated japanese cartoon and 'manga' is a japanese catroon which are in small books and are read from right to left.

So the cosplay is a performance for everyone! I did it myself and was participated in one of the most outrageous cosplay project.
After I had no time to make such accessories, I stayed behind my camera and kept making photos of them. I enjoy this much since I understood their role and the excitement they have at that special time! 

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